Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sit with your anger until it tells you its real name


Letter to Self

Letter to Self

Dear Self

You are loved. I will take care of you; be kind to you; appreciate you more and love you more always; by the way we will be with each other we might as well make our forever loving and fun.

Yours sincerely

Mamabolo Promise M

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Focus on your strength and what you can give

We want to remember the good work you have done, and the contributions you've made in this life; we do not want to remember your limitations.....

 Only you can make sure by focusing on your strength and what you can give! 

Mamabolo Promise M

Revisit and remember the good experiences as well

It is human tendency to easily sit with negative emotions, revisit and remember negative experiences....learn to sit with the positive emotions, revisit and remember the good experiences as well....give yourself the permission to that moment...your mind also needs that break!  

Mamabolo Promise M

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


Learn to give yourself a pat on the back on every progress and/or  achievement no matter how small...... sometimes you will achieve and not receive a 'well done'; that shouldn't minimize your achievement....... Practice it.....It is self-gratitude

Mamabolo Promise M

Monday, October 24, 2022

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Self-Asessment & Self-Development

Important part of self-assessment and self-development is the question of "what skill do you lack and what are you doing about it?" Mamabolo Promise M


Thursday, October 20, 2022

Healing Can Be Frustrating

Sometimes your healing can be very frustrating to people who benefited from your woundedness 

Mamabolo Promise M

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The greatest gift you can give to yourself

The greatest gift you can give to yourself is to understand yourself and your purpose, so that people will not confuse you into doubting your existence

Mamabolo Promise M

Protect Your Peace

Practice the power of not taking the bait when you are invited to unhealthy engagements, protect your peace
Mamabolo Promise M


Monday, October 17, 2022

All in good time

It shall happen, it shall be done, it shall come to pass; it shall settle.....all in good time

Mamabolo Promise M

Friday, October 14, 2022

Making taking care of our mental health fashionable

Making taking care of our  mental health fashionable.

Refuse to engage in anything that is not good for your mental health. Do not be afraid to say "I am sorry but I will excuse myself from this, it is not good for my mental health" 

Mamabolo Promise M

Life will create a tune for us to dance to

Life will create a tune for us to dance to until we decide to be the DJs of our lives.

Mamabolo Promise M

Down and rise

Let not your downtime be your out-time....down and rise

Mamabolo Promise M

Have loving, kind, and compassionate conversations with yourself....positive inner voice

Have conversations that are loving, kind and compassionate with yourself; you will thank yourself later...


Mamabolo Promise M

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Admitting your shortcomings is not a weakness, only a path to growth

Admit and take accountability for your shortcomings and then take responsibility to change....there is no weakness there, only growth!! 

Mamabolo Promise M

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Learn to master acceptance

 If we can learn to master acceptance, we will better regulate our emotional well-being 

Mamabolo Promise M

Do not be defined by past mistakes and past traumas

Introduce a 'new you' everyday, someone who knew you yesterday must be re-introduced to you today. Do not allow to be defined by a 'yesterday you', you are a new person today and you know better today 

Mamabolo Promise M


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Contentment is an inside job

Contentment is an inside job, you cannot find it anywhere else

Mamabolo Promise M

Always go back to you

Always go back to 'you', do it for 'you', let it be about 'you', and let it be because of 'you' ......nobody else but 'you'

Mamabolo Promise M


There is nothing as empowering as doing what you thought you could not do..... Self-empowerment 

Mamabolo Promise M

Know yourself enough, your strength and weaknesses

Know yourself enough to introduce yourself to people, not for people to introduce you to you

Mamabolo Promise M

Change direction whenever it's necessary

Re-think, re-establish, re-direct whenever it's necessary; don't just continue with what is not working and what is not serving you

Mamabolo Promise M

Be Loyal to Yourself

Be loyal to yourself, whatever happens make sure you don't sabotage yourself; Be loyal to your goals and dreams, whatever happens make sure you do what you set out to do and achieve what you ever dreamed of

Mamabolo Promise M

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Nothing is will settle, pain, sadness or anger

Nothing is ever permanent, so is your feelings or emotions. You will never feel sad, angry or even feel pain forever, it will settle.

Mamabolo Promise M

Sunday, October 2, 2022


Strength is working on "what you want to see happening in your life" regardless of the past 

Mamabolo Promise M 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Toxic relationships

Toxicity is often times subtle; anything that makes you feel less of yourself, less of human, less of deserving..... is toxic

Mamabolo Promise M

Time exposes fake